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IBM Z Day 2020 and 24 Hour Code-A-Thon

IBM Z Day 2020
Did you know… developers with IBM Z skills are in extremely high demand, and developers exploring their journeys are arriving at some of the highest paying jobs in tech? Register today for IBM Z Day to advance your tech skills, explore technical case studies, and discover how anyone can build their path to Z. There’s something for everyone!

24 Hour Code-A-Thon
Can one day launch a thousand careers? We’re trying to find out at IBM Z Day. Over the course of 24 hours, you’ll hear speakers talking about their careers, find out what employers are looking for in new hires, and start earning you own MTM badges by following along with a student leader and their professional mentor. Plus for every student finishing Level 1 of MTM during the day, we will feed 4 children with UN World Food Programme’s #ShareTheMeal. Join us to learn why so many companies rely on a technology you’ve never heard of.

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