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HackerNest Tech Social – Re-Do of Free Holiday Party

Registrations are [open here]( Both the 1-on-1s and the group chat sessions will now run simultaneously throughout the 2-hour event, so you’ll be able to jump from one to the other, at-will. We look forward to longer, deeper, and higher-quality conversations.

Tech Socials are agenda-free events that bring together passionate technologists to chat with like-minded people. No panels or speakers at this one, just an opportunity to meet others in the ecosystem. There’s auto-matched 1-on-1s, group chat sessions, and you can directly chat with other guests or make video chat requests too. Don’t miss this one – nice, friendly people from our tech nerd developer communities will come together.


► 1-on-1s: Be automatically matched with other guests to talk directly on-camera for a few minutes (less if your convo ends faster, more if you extend); stay in touch with one click. Roll to the next person thereafter. Match only once with the same person. Direct video available too.
► Sessions: Small, group video chat sessions that emulate what happens at in-person events. Talk on-camera, hang, talk to others, use the chat thread, chill. Drop in/out when you want, up to 20 people can be on-camera together, and anyone can listen in as well as contribute/engage via the text chat threads, even if you’re not on cam.


Folks interested in tech. You’ll meet h4ck3rs. Hacks. Designerds. Data scienticians. Hardware engineerds. Developers. Venture ¢apitalist$. Venture communists. Entreprenerds. Killer robots. Sapiophiles. Social mediaphiles. Cloud network architects. Writers. Machine learning cyborgs. Artificially intelligent product managers. Accomplices.


“Found a job” ↔ “Met my co-founder” ↔ “Met someone I eventually hired” ↔ “Got help to solve my security assignment” ↔ “Met some of my best friends in the industry” ↔ “Went on the slide at the Masonic temple!” ↔ “Met unpretentious people who genuinely love what they do” ↔ “It was amazing! Learned a lot from people, and everyone is super friendly!”

Our events are fun ways to connect with the -actual- tech community. Down-to-earth and friendly, you show up, make friends, hear from quality people. Easy. We’re mostly tech folk, but all nice people are welcome. HackerNest has run 1,300+ social & innovation events connecting thousands of nerds in cities all over the world.

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