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GraphQL From The Ground Up + A Non-technical Introduction to SwiftUI

Join us to learn about SwiftUI, an innovative, simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Learn also about GraphQL, a new approach to develop web APIs

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Talk 1: GraphQL From The Ground Up with Ellen Shapiro
Talk 2: A Non-technical Introduction to SwiftUI with Craig Clayton


Talk 1

Title: GraphQL From The Ground Up

Abstract: You’ve heard a lot of people talking about GraphQL lately, but what IS it? What are the problems it’s supposed to be solving – and what are the problems it’s not supposed to be solving? How can you use it to improve your iOS development process? Ellen Shapiro, who maintains the Apollo GraphQL iOS SDK, will help untangle all this and more.
Bio: Ellen Shapiro is an iOS and Android developer who’s been building native apps since late 2010. She’s a co-author of the team’s Kotlin Apprentice book and has written and edited many tutorials and other books for the site as well. When not coding, Ellen can generally be found travelling, biking all over the place, playing sous-chef to her wife Lilia, and relentlessly Instagramming their cats.


Talk 2

A Non-technical Introduction to SwiftUI – Craig Clayton

You are a designer or developer, and you’ve heard about this new thing called SwiftUI. You may have heard it from another developer, a tweet or maybe even a blog post. You do not know much about it and haven’t really taken the time to look into it.

In this talk, we will look at the pros and cons of SwiftUI. I will also talk about its companion Combine and how they work together in this new iOS ecosystem. SwiftUI has a wide range of things going on, and I will break them all down and explain why you should consider learning more about it.

Bio: Craig Clayton (LinkedIn) is a self-taught, senior iOS engineer at Fan Reach, specializing in building mobile experiences for NBA, NHL, CHL and NFL teams.
He also volunteered as the organizer of the Suncoast iOS meetup group in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area for 3 years, preparing presentations and hands-on talks for this group and other groups in the community.
He has is launching a new site called Design To SwiftUI online, which specializes in teaching developers and designers on how to build iOS apps from design to SwiftUI video courses.

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